Waypoints on the Road to Resilience: Considerations for the Sierra Nevada Conservancy
The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) is working to improve socioeconomic sustainability and ecosystem resilience—together known as “socio-ecological resilience”—throughout the region. SNC [...]
Local Hazards Mitigation Plan
The purpose of this City of South Lake Tahoe Land Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) was to identify goals, objectives, mitigation actions, and strategies that will help reduce risk and prevent future [...]
Evaluating Treatment Longevity and Maintenance Needs for Fuel Reduction Projects Implemented in the Wildland Urban Interface of Plumas County, CA
Since 2002, the Plumas County Fire Safe Council has implemented over dozens of Hazardous Fuel Reduction projects, covering nearly 14,000 acres of private and public lands. The treatments [...]
Mapping of Burn Piles Across California
SIG is working with Clere Inc and Blue Tree Analytics to map all burn piles across the State of California. The project will examine where piles are located and trends in burning of piles across [...]
Prescribed Grazing and Regeneration Monitoring in the Moonlight Fire Area of the Plumas National Forest
Efforts to reduce wildland fuels and reforest stands within the Moonlight Valley (Plumas National Forest) are being made in collaboration with the Forest Service, Feather River RCD, and the [...]