Wasana Sittirin

Wasana obtained a Master of Science Degree in Water Conflict Management at UNESCO-IHE in Delft, the Netherlands. She has been working with various international organizations, non-government organizations, domestic governments, and civil society organizations in culturally diverse work environments. Her background is in natural resource management, human rights, labour market and skills analysis for green transitions. She is an experienced project manager and experienced working closely with ethnic minorities in rural and isolated communities throughout Southeast Asia.

Before working with SIG, she was part of the University of Technology Sydney team as a Research Fellow to provide the ASEAN-IOM Migration Outlook, 2nd Edition. From 2020-2022, she was a key consultant researcher to the International Labour Organization for the UN Partnership for Action on the Green Economy program in Thailand and authoring green job policy readiness assessment reports and policy briefs. Before this, she worked as the Programme Coordinator for Our Rivers Our Life Project at Terre des Hommes for seven country organizations in Thailand, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia and the Philippines. The focus was on human rights which involved the issues of Internally displaced people in Myanmar, the Mindanao conflict in the Philippines, and the rights of Indigenous Peoples (Orang Rimba) in Indonesia, including the policy reform, environmental protection, water and river management, and opportunities to develop livelihoods through knowledge sharing and capacity building. Furthermore, she was the co-author to write a book about the protection of rivers, the environment and ecological child rights, drawing on examples, case studies and further evidence from target communities impacted by development projects.




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