Keith Pelletier, PhD

Keith C. Pelletier is a PhD candidate in the Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis Laboratory at the University of Minnesota (UMN). His PhD research in the Natural Resources Assessment, Monitoring, and Geospatial Analysis track employs automated feature extraction techniques using optical, lidar, and field data for mapping and monitoring landscape change in Minnesota. Mr. Pelletier has a BA in Geography and MS in Natural Resources from the University of Vermont. Prior to joining UMN, he worked as a Geospatial Analyst in the Spatial Analysis Laboratory and was a lecturer in Geography at the University of Vermont where he taught cartography, remote sensing, geographic research methods, and GIScience. His past geospatial efforts used automated feature extraction approaches for generating high-resolution land cover datasets from optical and lidar data for tree canopy assessments, stormwater utilities, and hydrologic modeling in collaboration with Vermont’s Agency of Natural Resources, the USDA Forest Service, and US Geological Survey.

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