The Spatial Informatics Group recently worked with the Marine Taxonomic Services and Oregon State University to prepare an Aquatic Plant Monitoring Program (APMP) for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. The APMP was intended to gather, analyze, and report information relative to aquatic plant populations in Lake Tahoe, with an emphasis on collecting data that can be used to guide control efforts for aquatic invasive plants. The implementation of this APMP would result in a significant source of synthesized monitoring information that characterizes the status and changes in aquatic plants in Lake Tahoe that is sought after and relied upon by agencies, stakeholders, and the public to increase their understanding and inform their decisions and actions.
More specifically, the purpose of this monitoring and evaluation plan is to provide appropriate protocols and detailed information required for guiding nearshore managers in consistently collecting, quantifying, and reporting
on the status and trends in aquatic plant bed composition, relative abundance/density (percent cover), extent, and distribution at Lake Tahoe’s nearshore zone, marinas, and tributaries. By design, the monitoring plan is a stand-alone document that can be implemented by either agencies or contractors that have the necessary human resource capacity and skillsets. In addition, the plan is intended to be a living document where new or revised field protocols, analysis, or reporting approaches can be included over time. This plan will help nearshore managers focus management and policy actions designed to achieve nearshore desired conditions, objectives, and standards.