Collect Earth Online (CEO) has many resources if you want to learn how to use the tool, please see these resources below:
We have collaborated with FAO on the development of tools and modules comprising the OpenForis suite of free and open source tools. The two co-developed tools include Collect Earth Online, an image attribution platform, and SEPAL, a geospatial cloud computing platform. Collect Earth Online is a system for viewing and interpreting high-resolution satellite imagery. It enables users to efficiently collect up-to-date information about their environment and observe changes over time. Organizations around the world use CEO to detect deforestation, forest degradation, and other changes in the landscape.
Ethiopia Training on Reference Data Collection for Activity Data Assessment: Interpretation Key Development and Collect Earth Online Interpretation Best Practices
Check out the newest tutorials from CEO. Learn how to to collect data and create your own project using CEO.
Find detailed information about CEO’s features in the downloadable manuals. The user manuals will help you collect data using CEO, and the administrator manuals will help you set up institutions and projects in CEO.
Find the latest updates to CEO and how to use them on our Youtube channel. There, you can learn how to create a project, interpret a sample, and more!
Get the latest updates on newly released features, and learn how customers are using Collect Earth Online to drive environmental goals.