Carbon Dioxide Emissions Calculations For Forest Biomass Energy Projects Are Dependent Upon Regionally-Specific Conditions

An issue brief recently released by the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) highlighted the importance of regional studies of biomass energy development. The brief relied on a model developed by the Spatial Informatics Group (SIG) to assess the lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of energy derived from forest biomass in a nine-state region of the southeast United States. The model built on prior work conducted on behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center and the National Wildlife Federation in 2012.
Life Cycle Carbon Assessment of Biomass Power Generation

Wood pellets have been hailed as a carbon neutral form of energy, especially in Europe, where pellets are being used to satisfy Paris Agreement requirements to reduce carbon emissions. However, pellet production can result in additional biomass harvests that reduce the amount of carbon stored in forests.
Marin Jurisdictional Carbon Accounting

Jurisdictional Carbon Accounting and Management is the process of measuring, reporting, and managing greenhouse gas emissions and removals within a region. The Forest and Agriculture team has worked across the United States and in numerous other countries to measure greenhouse gas emissions and support decision making in order to limit carbon emissions.
Preventing California’s Catastrophic Wildfires Requires Careful Forest Management

In 2015, the world experienced the strongest El Niño year on record, and forest fires tore through homes, businesses and lives in many parts of the world – one of which was California. That year 150,000 acres burned in the state, costing over USD $1 billion in insurance claims.