California Interagency Treatment Dashboard
SIG developed a free, open science dashboard that combines wildfire and landscape resilience project information from over a dozen different state and federal agencies. The dashboard provides a broad overview of statewide information, including summary statistics, and also allows users to drill down to specific projects along a number of different dimensions.
Life Cycle Assessment Report
West Forest LLC, has undertaken the development of a composite wood panel production facility in northern California. As part of this initiative, and in collaboration with TSS Consultants, SIG joined the project to conduct a comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis for specific wood products
Planning And Implementing Fuel Treatments To Reduce Fire Hazard And Restore Healthy Wildlands And Forest Communities
California landowners, land managers, and planners are acutely aware of their region’s exposure to wildfire and its associated hazards. Local, state, and federal efforts to moderate fire behavior with fuel treatments have dramatically expanded as wildfires have increased in size, severity, and community impacts.
Pyregence Launches New Forecasting Tool For Tracking Active Fire Spread
Firefighters in California battle 775,000 acres of fires from dry lightning. SIG built Pyregence, a wildfire forecasting tool
Preventing California’s Catastrophic Wildfires Requires Careful Forest Management
In 2015, the world experienced the strongest El Niño year on record, and forest fires tore through homes, businesses and lives in many parts of the world – one of which was California. That year 150,000 acres burned in the state, costing over USD $1 billion in insurance claims.
For Indonesia’s Wildfires, There Are No Easy Solutions
This week, we’re blogging about SIG’s work on reducing wildfire impacts in Indonesia and California. Fires in both regions have similar financial and health impacts, but differ in behavior. In Indonesia, even the ground itself can burn, requiring unique management approaches. Lessons learned in each place can inform solutions in the other.
SIG Provides Local Fire Management Training In Sumatra, Indonesia
Brett Shields and Dr Chris Mallek conducted a 5 day fire training course on behalf of the US Forest Service and Burung Indonesia at the Harapan Rainforest site in Jambi, Sumatra (Indonesia). Brett is SIG’s Director for Asia Pacific and Chris is a SIG affiliate with our Natural Hazards team.