Mekong Drought & Crop Watch

Working with SERVIR-SEA, SIG co-developed a tool in Google Earth Engine to monitor and respond to drought events in the Lower Mekong, as well as tools to plan and model agricultural decisions in the region. The freely accessible tool is open source and adaptable to different use cases, minimizing risk and cost during drought events.
Biophysical Monitoring and Evaluation Dashboard

In support of USAID’s initiative to monitor and evaluate land cover change in Cambodia, Spatial Informatics Group and SERVIR SEA created an application powered by Google Earth Engine to allow the nation to track progress on various conservation projects.
The Sustainable Orinoco Pact Sponsors Initiatives Fair On Sustainable Development-Villavicencio, Colombia

SIG co-developed software to remotely monitor gold mining activity in Colombia. Illegal mining is a driver of deforestation and this project aims to empower authorities to respond quickly and appropriately. CoMiMo, which is available for desktop in both English and Spanish, uses satellite imagery and artificial intelligence to identify threatened areas.
SERVIR-Amazonia Brings Data To The Ground For Better Decision-Making In The Amazon

Followers of environmental issues in the Amazon scarcely go a week without seeing news about threats to the biome. The region has been devastated with countless and constant hazards. For example, each year it experiences natural hazards like wetland degradation, salinization, destructive flooding, and severe fires, all compounded by climate change.
Hot But Not Bothered: Urban Green Space Leads To Better Health, Social Benefits

Decades of scientific research have been suggesting that humans accrue many positive benefits from nature, whether that nature be in an isolated preserve, in urban green space within the confines of a city, or simply with a look at a painting of a forest.
Preventing California’s Catastrophic Wildfires Requires Careful Forest Management

In 2015, the world experienced the strongest El Niño year on record, and forest fires tore through homes, businesses and lives in many parts of the world – one of which was California. That year 150,000 acres burned in the state, costing over USD $1 billion in insurance claims.