Life Cycle Assessment Report

West Forest LLC, has undertaken the development of a composite wood panel production facility in northern California. As part of this initiative, and in collaboration with TSS Consultants, SIG joined the project to conduct a comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis for specific wood products
Can You Fight Climate Change By Burning Wood? It’s Complicated

Wood grown in the United States is being ground up, dried out, pressed into pellets, and shipped to Europe, where power plants burn it to make electricity.
Is this good for the planet?
Forest Carbon Markets: Native People Quantify The Growing Value Of Native Lands

Carbon markets are based on the premise that sources (greenhouse gas-emitting power plants, vehicles, farm animal waste) and sinks (greenhouse gas-absorbing forests, biogas digesters, healthy soil) can be “traded” between states, regions and countries to help each other offset and reduce overall carbon emissions. While carbon markets are not a perfect solution to atmospheric carbon reduction, they have benefits…not least of which is getting communities to take stock of their natural resources and find ways to better manage, protect, and restore them.