Fire Factor
As part of the Pyregence Consortium, Spatial Informatics Group partnered with the risk analysis firm First Street Foundation to create a property-level wildfire risk model for every property in the conterminous United States. The First Street Foundation Wildfire Model (FSF-WFM) is the first national, climate-adjusted, property-specific wildfire risk assessment in America. FSF-WFM informs Fire Factor, First Street Foundation’s fire risk data product.
Planscape is a free decision support tool built to maximize wildfire resilience and ecological benefits across the State of California.
Planscape helps regional planners prioritize landscape treatments to mitigate fire risk, maximize ecological benefits and help California’s landscapes adapt to climate change
Planscape is a collaborative effort by the California Natural Resources Agency and US Forest Service, The University of California, and Spatial Informatics Group (SIG) with support from
Community Wildfire Risk Mitigation Assessment
Forests in California are increasingly vulnerable to wildfires. Not only have climate change and past forest management practices created very favorable conditions for fires, but increasing human settlement of the wildland-urban interface and intermix (WUI) has dramatically increased the stakes.
Modeling Fire Resiliency from Landscape-scale Fuel Treatments
Wood pellets have been hailed as a carbon neutral form of energy, especially in Europe, where pellets are being used to satisfy Paris Agreement requirements to reduce carbon emissions. However, pellet production can result in additional biomass harvests that reduce the amount of carbon stored in forests.
Reduced Emissions from Megafires
Wildfires in California are a serious and growing threat. SIG and the Climate and Wildfire Institute were chosen by the CA Wildfire and Landscape Resilience Taskforce to work in the Million Acres Strategy
Scenario Modeling for the Million Acres Strategy
Wildfires in California are a serious and growing threat. SIG and the Climate and Wildfire Institute were chosen by the CA Wildfire and Landscape Resilience Taskforce to work in the Million Acres Strategy