CAL-ADAPT Analytics Engine
The Cal-Adapt: Analytics Engine is designed to provide access to and tools for utilizing the rich set of climate data downscaled for California. The methodology for prioritizing these tools is detailed in our “Co-Production Process” section, which focuses on assessing actual users’ needs and incrementally developing functional analytics tools in collaboration with users.
Hot But Not Bothered: Urban Green Space Leads To Better Health, Social Benefits
Decades of scientific research have been suggesting that humans accrue many positive benefits from nature, whether that nature be in an isolated preserve, in urban green space within the confines of a city, or simply with a look at a painting of a forest.
Preventing California’s Catastrophic Wildfires Requires Careful Forest Management
In 2015, the world experienced the strongest El Niño year on record, and forest fires tore through homes, businesses and lives in many parts of the world – one of which was California. That year 150,000 acres burned in the state, costing over USD $1 billion in insurance claims.
For Indonesia’s Wildfires, There Are No Easy Solutions
This week, we’re blogging about SIG’s work on reducing wildfire impacts in Indonesia and California. Fires in both regions have similar financial and health impacts, but differ in behavior. In Indonesia, even the ground itself can burn, requiring unique management approaches. Lessons learned in each place can inform solutions in the other.