
Climate Change

Addressing the evolving impacts of global warming

Create the right plan for resilience in the face of our planet’s future

Searing temperatures, extreme weather events, sea level rise, and drought are all consequences of climate change that we are experiencing now. They affect every aspect of natural resources management, including production, yield, and safety.

SIG’s Climate Change work cuts across our areas of focus. Virtually every land management question is influenced by the changing climate. Accordingly, we identify the hazards most pertinent to a project and develop a comprehensive climate risk assessment. We provide clients with the tools for informed decision making to create the right plan for resilience in the face of our planet’s future.

With the accelerating pace and severity of climate change, it’s critical for communities and land managers to be able to quickly access, parse, and draw conclusions from vast amounts of data from diverse sources.

Our tools are explicitly designed to combine best-in-class technologies and datasets into simple, intuitive platforms that almost anyone can use.

our Impact


Areas of Work


Change Analysis and Mapping

The changing climate is affecting every place in different ways. At Spatial Informatics Group, we recognize this increasingly rapid flux as a pertinent factor in every land management question. Accordingly, we leverage our geospatial expertise and our hands-on management experience to identify the specifics of climate change in a particular place. We answer the fundamental questions: what is happening, and where is it happening?

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

New conditions bring new risks, which are highly specific. One area may face higher rainfall and an increased risk of flooding, while another may be experiencing aridification and an increased fire risk. Some unfortunate places could experience both. We apply the most advanced scientific models to carefully assess the likely impacts of climate change in a given project area and identify rigorous, science-backed interventions to reduce risk and mitigate the adverse effects of new climatic conditions.

Adaptation Planning

SIG’s experts use rigorous science to identify likely future conditions in a given area and match them with realistic adaptation pathways. This cross-functional approach is informed by both scientific and cultural understanding. By integrating these perspectives, we develop programs and specific interventions that prepare a project area to effectively and productively meet the challenges of climate change.

Comprehensive Solutions

CARB Technology Clearinghouse

CARB Technology Clearinghouse
A system for the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to improve public transparency and allow users to identify community-specific actions that yield the most significant air pollution reductions

Cal-Adapt: Analytics Engine

Cal-Adapt: Analytics Engine
A cloud-based analytics platform that transforms petabytes of climate information into useful data products

Case Studies

California’s Fourth Climate Assessment

Spatial Informatics Group served as author and coauthor of two of the reports that went into the California Fourth Climate assessment.

Greenhouse Gas Accounting in Indonesia

Spatial Informatics Group and ICF International developed a GHG emission accounting framework for the USAID-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation.

Sustainable Working Forests

Spatial Informatics Group created a climate change impact chapter for CAL FIRE’s 2017 forest and rangeland assessment of California’s 32 million acres.

California’s Urban Heat Island Index

California’s Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) tasked Spatial Informatics Group and Altostratus with developing an Urban Heat Island Index (UHI) for the state.

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