In collaboration with NASA (via SERVIR), SilvaCarbon, the US Forest Service, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’s OpenForis, SIG has launched Collect Earth Online (CEO) to users around the world.

CEO’s powerful, open source, cloud-based technology, simplifies a previously fragmented process that required multiple stakeholders. With CEO, users can inspect any location on Earth with satellite data, and track land use and landscape changes over time, all in one place. Additionally, users can conduct surveys, collect samples, and make use of  crowdsourcing technology – at no cost to users.

CEO also provides access to historical imagery and mosaics from NASA’s Landsat network, the European Union’s Sentinel system, Google Earth Engine, and now date-stamped imagery of the Tropics generated monthly by Planet.

Armed with the consistent, reliable land use data they need, users can more easily monitor quickly changing landscapes such as glaciers, develop policies to protect their land, and prevent deforestation.