Land Trusts In Northeastern U.S. Can Enroll In The Carbon Market And Become Future Ancient Forests

Northeast Wilderness Trust (NEWT), SIG Carbon, and the Inlandsis Fund have teamed up to create an exciting new forest carbon aggregation initiative called Wildlands Carbon. Land trusts across the Northeastern United States
Forest Carbon Markets: Native People Quantify The Growing Value Of Native Lands

Carbon markets are based on the premise that sources (greenhouse gas-emitting power plants, vehicles, farm animal waste) and sinks (greenhouse gas-absorbing forests, biogas digesters, healthy soil) can be “traded” between states, regions and countries to help each other offset and reduce overall carbon emissions. While carbon markets are not a perfect solution to atmospheric carbon reduction, they have benefits…not least of which is getting communities to take stock of their natural resources and find ways to better manage, protect, and restore them.