SIG Carbon Offsets

SIG Carbon Aggregation Program

Bundling Smallholdings for Environmental Benefit and Low-Risk Revenue

Solution Application

Innovative Approaches to Unlocking Carbon Credit Revenues

Designed for Landowners of Smaller Forest Parcels

The SIG Carbon Aggregation Program (SCAP) is an initiative to increase forestlands managed for carbon sequestration by helping smaller landowners overcome financial and administrative barriers to participation.

Aggregation helps small forestland owners get paid for sustainable forest management practices while adding value to their holdings, supporting conservation, and fighting climate change.


Carbon Revenues Out of Reach for Smallholders

Carbon credits are emerging as an important tool in combating climate change and providing incentives for sustainable forest management. But the friction of market entry has been too great for smaller landowners to be able to participate.

Bundling Forestlands for Economies of Scale

In order to remedy this situation, Spatial Informatics Group launched SCAP. This initiative bundles forest parcels of at least 500 acres into packages of at least 5000 acres, providing economies of scale adequate to overcome barriers to carbon market entry.
Bundling Forestlands

Removing Costs and Risks

SIG’s long experience in forest carbon projects and its relationships with financing bodies means that landowners can participate in SCAP at no cost and no risk. Landowners receive individual attention and hands-on support through all phases of a project, ensuring that SIG’s scientific expertise optimizes the balance between forest management activities and the requirements of the carbon offset market.

SIG’s commitment to open science has informed SCAP’s unprecedented transparency. Participants have complete visibility into what companies and organizations are engaged in credit sales.