Science Groups

Uncover the Wealth Potential of your Land

SIG Ecosystems Services Group
SIG’s Ecosystem Services Group

Solutions for Public and Private Landowners

Nature provides humans with critical goods and services, like food, fresh water, flood protection, aesthetics, and areas of recreational or spiritual importance. Though critical to human wellbeing, nature’s benefits are often overlooked when making decisions about land management or policy. Using state of the art technology and expert knowledge, our team helps clients assess, quantify, map, and plan for the provision of ecosystem services.

In addition to helping clients assemble and make sense of data on ecosystems and beneficiaries. We identify the threats to the continued provision of ecosystem services and strategies for protecting the ecosystems that provide them and balancing economic development with those natural assets. Our clients also get help connecting with ecosystem market mechanisms, including carbon credits, allowing them to realize cash flow to support their maintenance of a functional ecosystem. We’ve created solutions for public and private landowners alike, so you can be sure that our work is relevant to your context.

our Impact

PhD Specialists

Areas of Work

Fast-track your analysis with state of the art technology. Our partnership with Google allows us to leverage software like Vertex AI, allowing us to be on the cutting edge of sustainable management practices.

Quantify the flow of ecosystem services and, where appropriate, estimate monetary values. Such assessments are aided by our use of GIS and modeling to characterize the spatial connections between ecosystems and their human beneficiaries.

Create improved plans based on your new ecosystem service framework to support and sustain these benefits.

Build a custom indicator framework to track the impact of human activity on ecosystem services and to evaluate the performance of ecosystem management activities.
Reduce impact when disaster strikes. Use our tools to detect illegal resource extraction, flooding, and wildfire spread, so when problems occur your team can respond quickly and appropriately.

Case Studies

Ecosystem Services Valuation for Hawaii’s Largest Private Landowner

SIG worked with Hawaii’s largest private landowner to integrate the ecosystem services framework into their land management planning.

Mapping the Off-Site Benefits from Protected Areas’

SIG modeled the flow of critical ecosystem services in Ontario’s provincial parks to help the Ministry of Natural Resources evaluate the use of this framework for management.

Identifying Key Watershed Stewards in the American West

The American Forest Foundation asked SIG to analyze the role of private forests in the American West in providing clean water and how wildfire threatens that function.

The True Cost of Wildfires

SIG’s scientists reviewed literature and collaborated with wildfire experts to document major cost categories associated with wildfires.

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