Adhiraj Gorule

Adhiraj Gorule

UX/UI Designer, Environmental Mapping

  • Group:SIG Team, Software Development & IT, Environmental Software, UX/UI Product Design & Development

Adhiraj Gorule

UX/UI Designer, Environmental Mapping

Adhiraj is a UX/UI Designer at Spatial Informatics Group who brings a distinctive background and a fervent commitment to human-centered design. Adhiraj’s journey began as an Architect, fostering a profound appreciation for spatial and user-centric design. This fascination led to a transition into the UX field, driven by a passion for empathizing with users and tackling complex problems. Having worked as a UX Designer on scientific, healthcare, and management softwares, he is passionate about distilling complexity into simple and intuitive experiences. Adhiraj is pursuing an MS in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington to explore design methodologies deeply.