Thannarot (Kwan) Kunlamai

  • Group:Technical Specialists, SIG Team, Environmental Mapping

Thannarot (Kwan) Kunlamai

Thannarot (Kwan) Kunlami holds a Master’s degree in Remote Sensing and GIS from the Asian Institute of Technology. Kwan has experience with projects under SERVIR Mekong and as a Web GIS developer at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center. For the last several years, Kwan’s work as a highly skilled GIS web developer has focused on remote sensing and programming. Kwan’s background includes working with and developing open source machine learning framework, GIS and remote sensing software, database management systems, spatial data servers, online map platforms, cloud technology, and UX/UI design tools.The GIS Hackathon in 2018 named Kwan’s Tui Bot and Notify work as the winner. For previous clients, Kwan has also developed website tracking systems and web-based applications to monitor and track sales, sugarcane life cycles, and coconut products.