Anna Talucci

Ecologist and Geospatial Analyst, Environmental Mapping

  • Group:Technical Specialists, SIG Team, Forest and Agriculture Management

Anna Talucci

Ecologist and Geospatial Analyst, Environmental Mapping

Anna Talucci is an ecologist and geospatial analyst. She has an educational background in fire ecology, forest ecosystems, remote sensing, and geographic information systems (GIS) and received her Ph.D. from Oregon State University. Her research seeks to inform the understanding of changing disturbance regimes in boreal forest ecosystems. Specifically, she has focused on unraveling the nuanced interaction of mountain pine beetle outbreaks and wildfires in British Columbia, Canada, and characterizing wildfire activity across northeastern Siberia. At SIG, she supports GIS efforts related to developing Google Earth Engine workflows for treatment simulation and fuel transitions for the Million Acre Strategy and GIS efforts related to fire modeling and fuel treatments.