Gary Roller

Gary Roller

Research Scientist and Field Coordinator, SIG Carbon

  • Group:Technical Specialists, SIG Team, Natural Hazards

Gary Roller

Research Scientist and Field Coordinator, SIG Carbon

Gary Roller is a Research Scientist and Field Coordinator for SIG Carbon and the Natural Hazards domain. He is a California Registered Professional Forester with more than 18 years of experience in natural resource management, applied forest ecology, research-grade data collection, and sampling design.

Gary has held instructor positions in silviculture, dendrology, and forest mensuration. He has also worked as a forester and a research associate at the UC Berkeley Wildland Fire Science Laboratory and the U.S. Forest Service’s Pacific Southwest Research Station. He is co-author of several publications in forest ecology and fire behavior modeling.

Gary holds a master’s in Forestry Science and a bachelor’s in Forestry and Natural Resource Management, both from California Polytechnic State University–San Luis Obispo.