SIG Carbon Offsets

Forest Carbon Offsets

Case Study

Washington Rainforest Renewal Project

Leveraging Carbon Financing to Re-establish Old Growth Forest

SIG Teams Up with The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy hired Spatial Informatics Group to develop a carbon credit program on coastal rainforest on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula.

The Washington Rainforest Renewal Project seeks to leverage carbon financing to fund restoration efforts aimed at mimicking the characteristics of late-successional forests.

The Nature Conservancy

Packaging Carbon Credits

SIG Carbon provided the project with full development services. We assessed the existing carbon stock and completed carbon analytics to bring carbon credits to market under the American Carbon Registry Improved Forest Management protocol.
Packaging Carbon Credits
Happy Salmon

Happy Salmon

All credits generated from the project will be from annual carbon removal, currently about 43,000 metric tons each year, this project is expected to offset almost three million carbon credits over two decades.

Funds from the project will be used to restore old growth forest on lands previously managed for industrial timber harvesting. They will also help improve conditions for endangered salmon species, provide old growth habitat for multiple threatened and endangered species, and fund the acquisition of new timber parcels for future carbon offset projects.