Roadmap to a Million Acres (RMA) Strategy

Spatial Informatics Group LLC (SIG) has been tasked by the Climate and Wildfire Institute (CWI) to develop an inventory of completed and known planned fuel treatments across California and to develop a work plan for the creation of the Roadmap to a Million Acres (RMA). The goal of the RMA is to treat a minimum of one million acres annually.

The statewide inventory of fuel treatments will be broken up by categories (Landowner (public, private, or NGO), Region, Subregion), treatment type, and current NEPA or CEQA status. This unified database will then be compiled into a single online, publicly accessible ESRI-based geodatabase. SIG will be reaching out to agencies, landowners, and entities involved with land management requesting potential fuel treatment location and CEQA/NEPA status information. 

The development of the RMA Strategy will leverage recent reports and key partners to identify and adapt issues and opportunities. A time-bound work plan will then be harmonized with state and federal agency permitting guidelines, operational standards, and funding capacity. 

Our Team understands that there are several local, regional, statewide, and national efforts already in progress that are identifying potential fuel treatment areas across California. The importance of local collaborative planning efforts is recognized and will be integrated into the RMA Strategy work plan. 


We are working with several partners, collaborators, and public datasets across the State of California. The entities below have contributed data directly, via FACTS or CALMAPPER, or are helping our team with data outreach. This is truly a team effort and we appreciate everyone’s input and support.

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