SERVIR is a global program that provides scientific and technical know-how to help developing countries use geospatial information and technologies to achieve sustainable development. SERVIR-Mekong will promote the use and availability of publicly available satellite imagery and related geospatial decision-support tools/products to help key stakeholders and decision makers in Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam better predict and manage floods and other natural disasters, improve agricultural risk management, manage land-use more sustainably, and help governments and communities increase resilience to the negative effects of climate change. Funded by USAID, and with lead scientific and technical support from NASA, SERVIR-Mekong is being implemented by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) with inputs from consortium partners Spatial Informatics Group, Stockholm Environment Institute, and Deltares.
Visit the official SERVIR-Mekong website
Learn more about the project in this article
View this short video summarizing the SERVIR Project