Spatial Informatics Group (SIG) is working with the 55,000-acre Eastern Sierra Climate & Communities Resilience Project (ESCCRP) to help build resilience to catastrophic wildfire in and around the mountain community of Mammoth Lakes, California. The project seeks to restore ecosystem health by applying science-based forest restoration treatments at a faster pace and larger scale.
The project is considering a suite of treatments to take place primarily on land in Inyo National Forest, including restoration thinning followed by prescribed fire at regular intervals. This strategy is intended to mimic the natural pattern of frequent, moderate, lightning-caused fires that took place in the past. Such fires are less severe and cause less harm to ecosystems and communities than the catastrophic wildfires that have become common more recently.
SIG was hired because of its experience in wildfire science and operations, as well as its expertise in land restoration and maintenance. SIG will coordinate with Inyo National Forest on the development of proposed actions for the ESCCRP project area; create fire behavior modeling maps and other products for sharing with stakeholders and the public; help plan the development of a prescribed fire workforce; and help inform stakeholders on fire hazard and risk, as well as the actions needed to address the threat of wildfire across the Sierra Nevada.
Stakeholders and partners in ESCCRP include Inyo National Forest, CalFire, the Eastern Sierra Wildfire Alliance, Plumas Corp., National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the Town of Mammoth Lakes, the Mammoth Lakes Fire Department, the Bureau of Land Management, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Southern California Edison, California Trout, the Whitebark Institute, the Sierra Nevada Conservancy, and TSS Consultants.