Spatial Informatics Group completed the GHG calculations required for CALFIREs Forest Health Program in partnership with the Fall River Resource Conservation District. This funded application covers an 8,000-acre fuel reduction and reforestation program in the Hat Creek Watershed, which is being planned and implemented in collaboration with the Burney-Hat Creek Community Forest and Watershed Group. As part of this effort, Conway Conservation Group (CCG) is working with Spatial Informatics Group (SIG) and 34 North to help this designated Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) project prioritize treatments across ownership boundaries. Using recent high density LiDAR, satellite imagery, and plot data in a robust modeling framework, important forest metrics like stand density index (SDI) were used in combination with fire intensity and probability outputs to focus the project’s finite resources on areas that were at most risk to insect, disease, and high severity fire.